Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"Why We Blog" Response

“Why We Blog” talked about exactly that. In this article, they discussed practices and motivations of bloggers. They interviewed 23 people about their blogging habits. Most people found blogs through friends, associates or other readings. Not all bloggers post everyday, it can be once a week or even just once a month. It can sometimes be difficult for bloggers to find something to say and at other times they could use a blog to vent their emotions. Blogging has a wide variety of expression and use. They narrowed it down to five motivations on why people choose to blog: documents one’s life, providing commentary and opinions, expressing emotions, blogs as a muse, and forming and maintaing community forums. Blogs are not always meant to get feedback. Blogging allows people to share their thoughts without major feedback from other forms of communication. Blog content can be very diverse and the reach of audience is very diverse as well. 
I thought the article was a good read. I have played around with starting my own blog in the past for some of these exact reasons. I was approached about a year ago to blog my experience at a NASCAR event from a females perspective. I loved being able to express my feelings and my experiences with other people who do not get the same experiences as I do. No blog will ever be the exact same and I think that is what makes it so special. They are all unique and creative in their own way either personal or for a community. I think more people should utilize blogs to express their feelings instead of social media like Facebook and Twitter. I also think it is a great way to document travels. I had to blog for my study abroad trip and it is great being able to go back and read the things I did. I would encourage more people to use them.