Thursday, November 20, 2014

Three Ideas To Eliminate Or Reduce Illegal Media Sharing

I was not present for the class discussion but I did some research and I have thought about some ideas. Illegal sharing or music and other media is a growing problem as it becomes easier and easier for people to access. My three ideas include:

1. One is having more restrictions on the public sites people create. There are a ton of websites that make it easy for everyone to share and download illegal music, videos or television shows. Anyone can create websites and there is limited restrictions. It is basically allowing people to continue the problem because these sites are not being shut down. More just continue to be created. If there was more restrictions in what web pages were created there could potentially be less of a problem. 

2. Another thing that could be done is increase advertisements. When advertisements are constantly popping up people get annoyed. The downloading process could be made longer and more of annoying to do. Adding more pop ups and advertisements takes away part of the convience factor people look for in illegal downloading. It is extremely convientent for people to download or share media. There needs to be something like advertisements that make it less convientent. Even adding personal information to gain access. A lot of people don't like adding personal information to these type of sites. 

3. Raising awareness using a spokesperson could also help. With the amount of illegal sharing and downloading the industries are loosing money. This doesn't allow more media to be created because of lacking funds. If people are not buying then the industries struggle. A spokesperson from each media categorie could use a sympathy approach, how would you like it if they couldn't perform anymore or stopped making music since no one is buying anymore. This could possibly scare people into buying again. 

There is many things that could be done to reduce or eliminate this issue, but will it honestly ever change? People are so used to having things for free on the internet and might not be willing to ever change. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Privacy-Enhanced Personalization By Alfred Kobsa

Alfred Kobsa touched on many issues concern privacy on the internet. Society wants more personalization but what amount of privacy are they willing to give up to receive it? The internet already knows more information about people then the average person expects. The privacy theory compares the potential risk of releasing personal information to the benefits of releasing it. Privacy fundamentalist, privacy unconcerned and privacy pragmatics are the three attitudes towards privacy but the predictive value of these can be low.
Studies have shown that 80% of internet users would like personalization and typically value the personalized experience. Internet users are more willing to disclose demographic, personal tastes, hobbies and lifestyle information. People tend to become uneasy when the internet request information concerning financials, credit cards, or contact information. I know that I hate putting in my email address to do something online and then constantly getting spam emails after. I think it is important that internet users are aware of where their information is going or being used. Many privacy surveys shows that internet users also find that important. Trusting websites today can be hard for people. Positive experience, design, reputation of the website, presence of a privacy statement, and a privacy seal are all reinforcements of trust to internet users. 

One question I have is concerning the future of personalization and privacy. At what cost will organizations go to make personalization more advanced and privacy even more obsolete? Now you only have to put information in once, I know online shopping most places save my credit card for the next time I return. My trust in that has declined. I have had my credit card number stolen and my checking account drained from shopping online. What is making people stay? Will this only get worse? Today privacy on the internet is almost not a thing. How much worse can it get?